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Top 8 tips for maintaining asphalt sealed roads

Asphalt-sealed roads are integral to our transportation infrastructure, providing smooth and durable vehicle surfaces. These roads are designed to withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions, making them a reliable choice for residential, commercial, and industrial areas. However, like any other asset, asphalt-sealed roads require proper maintenance to ensure longevity and optimal performance.

Conduct regular inspections

The first step in maintaining asphalt-sealed roads is to conduct regular inspections. This allows you to identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Look for signs of cracking, potholes, ravelling (loss of aggregate), and other surface distresses. Early detection saves you significant costs in the long run.

Crack sealing and repair

Cracks in asphalt-sealed roads lead to further deterioration if left unattended. Sealing cracks with a rubberized sealant effectively prevents water infiltration, which causes additional damage during freeze-thaw cycles. Larger cracks or potholes may require patching or resurfacing to restore the road’s integrity.

Proper drainage and slope maintenance

Inadequate drainage causes water to accumulate on the road surface, leading to premature deterioration and potential safety hazards. Ensure the drainage system, including culverts, ditches, and catch basins, is correctly and debris-free. Maintaining the proper slope or crown of the road is crucial for allowing water to run off effectively.

Vegetation control

Vegetation growth along the edges of asphalt-sealed roads causes damage to the pavement and impedes proper drainage. Regular mowing, trimming, and herbicide application help control vegetation and prevent roots from penetrating the road surface for online Visit northernhighwaysbitumen.com.au for more info about Asphalt driveways.

Asphalt sealcoating

Sealcoating is a preventative maintenance practice that involves applying a protective layer of liquid asphalt or coal-tar emulsion to the road surface. This layer helps to seal and waterproof the asphalt, protecting it from oxidation, UV rays, and water penetration. Seal coating should be performed every three to five years, depending on traffic volume and weather conditions.

Line striping and markings

Clear and visible line striping and markings are essential for ensuring road safety and guiding traffic flow. Over time, these markings fade or become obscured by wear and tear. Regular restriping and remarking help maintain visibility and improve road safety.

Snow and ice removal

Proper snow and ice removal is crucial for maintaining safe driving conditions on asphalt-sealed roads in areas with cold winters. Use appropriate deicing chemicals and ploughing techniques to minimize damage to the road surface. Avoid overusing deicing substances, as they accelerate the deterioration of asphalt.

Load restrictions

Asphalt-sealed roads are designed to support a specific weight limit. Exceeding this limit leads to premature failure and costly repairs. Implement and enforce load restrictions, particularly during thawing periods or when the road surface is weakened by moisture or temperature fluctuations. While some maintenance tasks are performed in-house, seeking professional assistance for more complex or specialized tasks is essential. Experienced contractors and engineers provide valuable expertise in pavement evaluation, rehabilitation strategies, and long-term maintenance planning.

By following these top 10 tips for maintaining asphalt-sealed roads, you extend the lifespan of your road infrastructure, ensure safe driving conditions, and optimize your maintenance budget. Regular maintenance preserves the integrity of your asphalt-sealed roads and contributes to a sustainable and efficient transportation network.